Recently I've started a new job... a full time job. And this weekend marks the end of my first week at this new job. Right after being accepted for this new job I was thinking how great things were working out as I got this new job when I needed the extra savings and was ready for a new challenge in life. I was super excited! Then, a week or two before starting this new job I started to think... hmmm a full time job means I no longer get my 4 day weekends... I no longer get to go shopping and meet friends simply when I felt like... and I no longer got to roll around in bed deciding what to do next!
I have no doubt that pros outweigh the cons because I'm ready for this new challenge (of learning new things, meeting new people, growing as a person, earning the extra money and so forth). But then... saying good bye to a 4 day weekend (that is something I still can't get out of my mind)!
But nevertheless it got me thinking about whether part time work is better or full time. So here are my pros for the two:
And the cons for either would obviously be the opposite of the other (so a con for Full Time would be less time, more stress and so on).
But then, I realized if you're working full time in a job that you are genuinely interested in and passionate about, you tend to look beyond the cons; the cons don't really stand out much and dissolve into the background so that the only cons about the job turn out to be waking up early in the mornings or not getting to watch your favorite morning show!
I guess in many ways deciding the pros and cons really depends on you as an individual. Though part time work appeals to me in many ways, I would have to say full time work appeals to me in many other ways. (Let's see what I have to say a year from today!)
Aireys Inlet- January 2010- the beauty of part time work! |
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