Sunday, August 08, 2010


Note: this post comprises mainly of just some random thoughts that have been swimming in my mind for the past few weeks. It might not really hold your attention for much... but felt it's something to ponder.
How many times have we decided to change something about ourselves? Whether we're changing because we're tired of the same old thing day in-day out or because we want to be a better person, there is always some point where we want a change.

But then changes can be scary... changes lead to something different... If it's not broken why fix it? So why are people looking for changes- whether it be a new hair style, a new job or even a new city?
Source: Art Therapy Blog

In my personal opinion, and through what I've experienced, I've begun to feel that the want for change comes from people's longing to grow and to learn new things. Or more simply, it's just a part of humans that are never satisfied with what they have. 

Let's imagine you get a job in a new city. This would be one heck of a change. You're not only getting a new job (most likely a better pay, better benefits and it'd probably be something that you really are passionate about otherwise you wouldn't really be ready to get up and leave everything you already have), but you're getting a whole new life as well! So the day you get the news you've landed this job is usually the happiest. You can't believe you actually got the job; you think of all the excitement in store for you; the world is basically your oyster.

Then slowly as the days pass by you begin to realize all of the things you need to do- find a new place to live... figure out your daily commute to work and back... learn a new language (if the new city entails a new country)... work out all of the paperwork... make new friends... and the list seems to continue. Then you start to think, why did I want this change? Is THIS big a change really something I wanted? 

I mean in the end everything is most likely going to be fine, if not great. And you'll adjust to your new life and realize that making this move was a really good decision... but it's just the fact that until this new change becomes an everyday part of life, you tend to constantly wonder if this was all a good idea. 
Random Pic... but sure shows changes in people!

Picture of "Changes Next Exit" from Art Blog


  1. "But it's just the fact that until this new change becomes an everyday part of life, you tend to constantly wonder if this was all a good idea."

    So true! It's funny, because i find myself wrapped up in that kind of mindset right now. I've made so many changes towards the whole 'growing up' thing like anyone my age is doing, but i often find myself regretting a lot of things that i've given up for it. But you know, i only miss the fun and excitement of those things, surely not the irresponsibilities' that came along with them :p

  2. yeh I know what you mean. When you're giving up those things you really wish you didn't have to or you didn't give them up... but then as time goes on you realize that it's really not so bad!


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