Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I've never really been much of a cat person after I had a cat slide down my leg with its claws shredding my brand new tights at the impressionable age of 5. I don't mind cats... but after that traumatizing experience, I decided cats and I didn't go along too well (unless of course the cat in question was Garfield).
So when I woke up this morning after having dreamt of cats, kittens and more cats you can imagine the shudder that went down my spine. Yup! I dreamt that I walked into a room where I kept finding cats of all different types- new born, full grown, brownish ones, yellow ones, grey ones (but no black or white ones). And you can imagine how startled I was to see a cat staring at me from my neighbour's yard as I walked to catch the bus this morning.
The whole way to work I kept thinking about that darn dream and what it meant. When I finally got here I couldn't help but Google CAT DREAMS. There was quite a bit of information online- some which made me think could it really mean what they were saying was true while others made me hope that there was no real meaning to that dream.
Most dream intepretations stressed on the meaning of cat dreams being related to the feminine side of the dreamer - okay that makes sense as we tend to relate cats and women... The following are the intepretations I came across:
1. Bella Online The Voice of Women: "Cats are still associated with mystery, perhaps because their behavior is so aloof and difficult to interpret. As mysterious, aloof creatures, cats symbolize the intuition, and when they appear in dreams they may be asking us to use our intuition more, to rely on our gut feelings and instinct."
2. Global Oneness: "Cats- To dream of a cat, denotes ill luck, if you do not succeed in killing it or driving it from your sight." And here basically they described the different forms of dreams that are possible and the different types of "ill luck" that would follow (yikes!) But then I realised none of those really applied to me. So... I scrolled down a bit further.... "Cats have both positive and negative connotations. You need to consider all of the details in the dream in order to obtain accurate interpretation. The cat can be a symbol of sexuality, femininity, prosperity and power. A cat is also an independent animal, and in your dream you may be associating yourself or someone else with these characteristics. Usually the dream is telling you about yourself and not others. Historically black cats have been symbols of evil and bad luck. If you are a cat lover and have one as a pet, the symbolism may not apply to your dream. Old, superstition-based dream interpretations say that a cat is a bad omen and that you can expect deceit from those that you trust."
3. Suite 101.com- "Experiences with domineering, smothering, coddling, or over-protective women lead to negative anima association. Femme fatale anima images result in self-sabotaging ideations leading toward destruction. Another way a negative anima association manifests is in unrealistic feminine images that no waking life woman can ever live up to. Cat dreams symbolizing negative anima images include dreams of stalking cats or tigers, hissing cats, cats climbing all over the body, a stalking cat the man cannot avoid, or even cat dreams where the dreamer is devoured by cats." Yup, the cats were all over me and others in the dream! But who is this domineering woman I'm dreaming about?
4. Dream Moods: This is usually my dream bible... I go here everytime I have a weird dream. "To see a cat in your dream, symbolizes an independent spirit, feminine sexuality, creativity, and power. It also represents misfortune and bad luck. The cat could indicate that someone is being deceitful or treacherous toward you. If the cat is aggressive, then it suggests that you are having problems with the feminine aspect of yourself. The dream may be a metaphor for "cattiness" or someone who is "catty" and malicious. If you see a cat with no tail, then it signifies a loss of independence and lack of autonomy. To dream that a cat is biting you, symbolizes the devouring female. Perhaps you are taking and taking without giving. You may be expressing some fear or frustration especially when something is not going as planned. To dream that you chase the cat away, signifies that you will overcome your obstacles. (Woo Hoo!) To see a white cat in your dream, denotes that you are going through difficult times. To see a black cat in your dream, indicates that you are experiencing some fear in using your psychic abilities and believing in your intuition. You may erroneously associate the black cat with evil, destruction, and bad luck." So all in all... it seems all dream dictionaries are telling me about some obstacles... some ill luck that I'll need to face.... Do I listen to what they tell me and prepare myself (whatever that may mean) or do I tell myself that it was just a dream? References:
2. Global Oneness. Meaning of Dreams about Cats http://www.experiencefestival.com/meaning_of_dreams_about_cats
3. Ireland, A. (2010). Cats, Cats- Dream Symbols. http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art10577.asp


  1. Dreams are really interesting... I often dream of my teeth falling out, I can't remember if it means I am coming into money, or I'm about to lose some!

  2. ya I've always found dreams interesting... guess because a lot of the time they actually happen to me in one way or the other!

  3. When trying to figure out the meaning of a dream, it's important to look at how the symbols relate to your own experiences.Since you don't feel comfortable around cats, and you felt uncomfortable in the dream, I think that the cats in your dream surrounding you can represent a problem that is irritating you but you can't get away from in waking life.

    It's interesting that the cat itself is an ambiguous symbol - an aloof predator and a cuddly pet -
    see http://www.meaningofdreams.org/dream_themes/dreaming-of-animals.htm#cat

    Maybe that in itself is a sign that you have ambiguous feelings about something.

  4. I hear what you're saying Marcia... ever since this cat dream problems have presented themselves for me to deal with. and no matter how hard i try i can't get away from them in waking life....

    none of the problems are about a woman (as those dream sites suggested) but yes a lot of ambiguous feelings about the new changes in my life with a new car.... new job!


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