Dreams are strange... dreams are weird... some make you feel like the world is full of possibilities and that you're ready for anything coming your way. Others, however, make you feel like you'd rather just crawl back into bed and conjure up and another dream to get rid of that horrible after taste you've just been left with.
You know how they say some people remember their dreams and some don't; well I've always been one of those people who vividly remembers a dream and in many cases had dreams that have been some kind of prophecy into the future. And because of this, I've always had this deep fascination when it comes to dreams.
Now, a few days back I had this horrible dream. It started off as a more super-hero/fantasy type of dream where my friends and I were jumping off a building and making circles in the air (yes, I know, it makes no sense and was totally random... as I was dreaming, I was thinking huh?). And then I've jumped off the building, but this time I no longer have superpowers and am falling... plunging to the cement. And I was desperately praying that I die on impact and not have to feel the pain of hitting the ground. The next thing I know, I'm in a Buddhist monastery... sitting with a lady (and for some reason she looked a lot like An San Su Kyi) and a lama. He was preaching and telling me that my death and birth fell on astrologically similar days. And that's when my present life started flashing before my eyes. I see my parents in Kathmandu, Saurav and Sabarnee here in Melbourne trying to figure out what to do with all my things.... and all of a sudden I just felt so alone and as though it was them who died and left me alone in some new world. Then I started to cry and demand to see my grandparents - those who've passed away, and finally I woke up.
It was well and truly like a whole new world. And while demanding to see my grandparents, I began to think, is this what happens when you die, you enter a world where everything is different, but all your memories from the life you've left behind remains? This got me to cry only harder.
So like many times in the past, I got on the web and googled "dream interpretations death" and like I expected I found numerous articles saying that dreaming of death does not mean I'll die or anyone close will die, it just means a change is coming my way. And it can be good or bad.... a lot like the DEATH card in tarot reading....
YES I know a big change is coming my way.... job-wise and in many other ways-wise... But WHAT are these changes going to be?? and when will I know??? I hate being in the state of *limbo*
My last question on this is just how far do we take dreams to hold symbolic meanings? Sometimes we dream certain things and we know it's because of something we've seen, experienced or felt during the day or at night; but other times we jump up and exclaim, oh this means that I'm going to find a new job! Are dreams just a part of what is happening around us or do they hold some deeper truth... some deeper meaning that comes alive only as our unconscious mind is at work?